May 2017

There is no doubt about it: Virginia will be one of the very first places to have major political impact in 2017.

This summer, registered voters of the commonwealth will determine who becomes the next Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General.

Likewise, all positions for the Virginia House of Delegates (the state’s equivalent to the U.S. House of Representatives) are up for (re)election. The decisions voters make could shape Virginia for the next several years, helping to determine the commonwealth’s identity in a new era of American politics.

There is a total of five individuals running for Virginia Governor: Ralph Northam (D), Tom Perriello (D), Ed Gillespie (R), Cory Stewart (R), and Frank Wagner (R). For Lieutenant Governor, seven candidates have entered the primary race: Glenn Davis (R), Bryce Reeves (R), Jill Vogel (R), Justin Fairfax (D), Susan Platt (D), Gene Rossi (D), and Bobby Junes (I). On June 13th, both parties will hold their primaries to select the individual who will run on their respective party’s ticket for Governor and Lieutenant Governor.

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June 2017

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