
They blinked!
Our campaign to #StopSessions is gaining momentum!

When the NAACP takes action people listen!

After NAACP branches organized multiple sit-ins, protests and demonstrations around the nation, the movement to #StopSessions took flight. Combined with your support, emails and phone calls to your senators, the Senate Judiciary Committee pushed back the confirmation of Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions as US Attorney General another week.

This short break gives us a chance to ramp up our efforts in telling the Senate that he is still the worst among worst nominees for our nation’s top civil rights enforcement spot.

His allies were expecting a swift confirmation, but our protests proved them wrong. Expecting him to be confirmed, the new administration removed its civil rights page and the Justice Department began the process of abandoning voter protections and consent decrees that reeled in racist police departments.

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February 2017

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